Are you going to make a shield with Bariblock®? Ask for Bariblock® certification, we will send you all the necessary documentation. The certificate of conformity to the data sheet guarantees the attenuating properties of Bariblock® products 

Certification references

The dimensional tolerances accepted during production are provided by the UNI EN 711-3 standard. The determining parameters in terms of radiation attenuation power are the nominal density of the product and the dimensions of the block.

The Italian reference standard for radiation protection is the Legislative Decree of 17 March 1995, nº 230. This code regulates all situations where radiation may be exposed to human beings or other forms of life.

Inside the decree, we find the most varied information: behavior to behave in places subject to radiation, admissible exposure limits, minimum qualification of personnel operating in the presence of radiogenic machinery and, obviously, guidelines for the correct design of shields.

In the diagnostic sector (both medical and industrial) two types of shielding are distinguished: primary shielding, which directly attenuates the useful beam of the radiogenic machinery, and secondary shielding, which attenuates secondary radiation (diffuse and escape radiation).

The calculation of the necessary shielding starts by establishing the maximum tolerable dose in the specific case. The degree of attenuation to be pursued in the various directions is then estimated. You can then make the final conversion into shielding thickness, once you have decided which material you will use to build it.

The principles governing the design of shielding are as follows:

OPTIMIZATION: keep exposures as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and social factors.

JUSTIFICATION: prior risk-benefit assessment; the economic, social or other benefits derived from activities using radiation must be justified in relation to the risks arising from them.

LIMITATION: the sum of the doses resulting from the activities must not exceed the limits established by this regulation.

Bariblock®, thanks to its low cost and very low environmental impact, perfectly responds to the principle of optimizing shielding, and is by the same standard equated to other shielding materials.

Non capisco Who is in charge of supervision ?

The key point of Legislative Decree 230/95 is the identification of professionals who must verify the correct application of the law.

When designing the shields, the reference figure is that of the Qualified Expert (EQ).

This qualification identifies the professional figure who possesses the necessary knowledge and preparation both to carry out measurements, examinations, verifications or assessments of a physical, technical or radio-toxicological nature, to ensure the proper functioning of protective equipment, and to provide all other indications and formulate measures to ensure the physical surveillance of the protection of workers and the population.

A qualified Bariblock® expert is at your disposal to advise you on the design and verification of the shields.

Get technical support for installation or design now! Our staff is ready to answer any doubt and supervise the project.

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